As part of our eBook Series, Muwahhideen Publications is pleased to present this highly beneficial and pertinent eBook by Shaykh ‘AbdulQaadir al-Junayd where he provides a summary of the reason why protests are prohibited in Islaam based on the Qur’aan, Sunnah and consensus of the Scholars of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah.
This article was translated and compiled by Abu Afnaan Muhammad ‘Abdullah (May Allah Preserve him) with the explicit permission and approval of Shaykh ‘AbdulQaadir al-Junayd (May Allah Preserve him).
An excerpt taken from the chapter:
The First Aspect
These protests contradict what the Sharee’ah has commanded and what it has prohibited regarding the way in which individuals should interact with the rulers in the face of evil acts, munkaraat (acts of disobedience), oppression, inequity, or their misappropriation of the wealth and keeping it from the people.
This is due to the fact that it has come in this blessed, noble Sharee’ah:
- The command to be patient in the face of oppression from the rulers, their inequities and misappropriation of wealth
- The command of hearing and obeying in that which is not disobedience to Allah, the Most High
- The command that advising them is to be done privately and not openly
- The prohibition from disobeying the rulers
- The prohibition from revolting against the rulers by either statement or action, whether armed or not armed (peaceful)
- The prohibition from cursing them or verbally disparaging them
Download: A Summary Of The Reasons Why Protests Are Prohibited In Islaam by Shaykh ‘AbdulQaadir ibn Muhammad al-Junayd (حفظه الله)